This is my collection of articles, resources, and advice to assist Democratic candidates. 
Like any 'Toolbox' you may not need all the tools it contains, but hopefully, when you need it, you will find what you need here.
-- Dennis Sutton

dncdonkeyr.gifCAMPAIGN TOOLBOX dncdonkeyl.gif
 Root Issue For All Idaho Candidates
Your "Campaign" Is Your "BUSINESS"!
Voters Are Your Customers,
SELL them on yourself!

“The hard part is not the dream or the idea; it is the doing. It is the driving need that determines
ones chances. You must have a reason – a purpose – for why you want the outcome and why 
you’re willing to do the work to get it. The purpose can be almost anything, but it has to be there.”
                                                                    — Perennial Seller; Holiday

Precincts, Counties,& Legislative Districts 

Online Voter Tools
Idaho Voter Registration Form (Take to County Clerk)
Idaho Change of Party Affiliation Form 
(Take to County Clerk)
Idaho Constitution
Political Typology Test (Who Are You - Really?)


Leonard Leo Wants To "Crush Liberal Dominance"
This Trump Pick Can Silently Strangle The Deep State
May I Tell You What Project 2025 Is All About
Project 2025 -- A Hellish Legal Vision For America -- Liz Dye
Project 2025 Cover Page
Project 2025 Foreword
Project 2025 Full File

Doris Kerns Goodwin -- How Trump Won

4 Habits of Supercommunicators
DOWNLOAD Jim Purvis on the power of rural counties
Why is it so hard to be a Democrat in Rural counties?
Democratic Creed
Do You Agree?
Democrats 101
Idaho State Democratic Party Platform
Idaho State Democrat's Party Bylaws

Idaho Democratic State Party Org-Chart

Idaho Democratic County Party Org-Guide
County Central Committees & Precinct Captain Guide
Precincts, Districts, & Counties Explained
Step-by-Step Guide To Creating New County or Candidate Treasury
Become a Precinct Captain
Idaho State 2021 Legislative District Map
Brains of Conservatives vs Liberals - 36 Studies
Political 'Rosetta-Stone'
New Model of Selling
Idaho Democratic Party Regions
Idaho Democratic Party Penetration by County
Bonneville County Map
Old Legislative District 33 Precinct Map
Legislative District 33 Precinct Maps
Bonneville County Polling Place Map

GOP Fundamental Core Philosophy Demonstrated

BYUI Survey Shows Who Is Least Likely To Vote
Why You Should Get In The Fight
The Difference Between Speaking and Thinking
5 Dysfunctions of a Team
How To Add "Working Genius" To Your Team
How to create "Cultures of Confidence"
WinOrLose.jpgNational Democratic Training Committee
What Democrats Should Have Learned From The 2022 Midterms
The "Future" Notebook
Region 6 & 7 Voter Registration Analysis
All Is Not Well In East Idaho
Latest US Census Data
Idaho's Average Cost Of Living Exceeds Our Average Income
BSU Annual Idaho Public Policy Survey 2022
BSU's Annual Idaho Public Policy Surveys (Dating back to 1990)
Untold Story of "Russiagate" and the Road To Ukraine War
Americans Die Younger In Red States
A Young Democrats' Viral Takedown Demands Wokeness ReThink
May 2022, State of the Idaho Democratic Party
May 2022, State of the Idaho Republican Party
Lincoln Saved American Democracy -- So Can We
America and the Heathen
End of the American Century
The South Lost The Civil War -- Not The Public Relations War
Marjorie Taylor Greene's Civil War
How Democrats Failed The Middle Class Over The Past Five Decades
How The Third Way Made Neoliberal Politics Inevitable
American Culture Is Returning To The Old West
What Local Government looks like After The Far RightTakes Over
America Is An Oligarchy
How Naked Capitalism In Our Schools Uses Public Workforce Training to Keep a Captive Labor Pool
The Progressive Persuasive Case For Political Persuasion
1870 to 2010 Were Humanity's Most Important Years
   Time Magazine's synopsis
The Possible World After Globalism
Class Wars Never Cease -- The Master Never Relents
The Elephant in the Room

The Case For Public Child Care
The Rise In Undocumented Inflation
James Cordon's Cold-Open after the Texas School Shooting May 24, 2022
Republicans Vs More Republicans At War In Idaho LiberalAccomplishments.jpg
Voters Will Have A Chance To Take Back Idaho From The Troublemakers
Idaho Freedom Foundation RE: Take Back Idaho
Candidates Embrace Culture Wars
Just How Good Were Those Good Old Days?
Democracy is at RISK -- Why Isn't it THE Issue?
Secretive Billionaire Who Funded The Right-Wing Takeover of the Courts
The Scary Part of the Billion Dollar Gift to Takeover the Courts
GOP & SCOTUS Put Democracy On The Line
rSCOTUS Returns Stonger More Terrible Than Eve
The Right Wing Plan To Bring Down Regulations Reaches SCOTUS

The Race Card
The ROT in the SCOTUS Goes Way Beyond Clarence & Ginni Thomas
Liberals Are Courting Disaster
American Democracy Is RIPE for Exploitation
The Unraveling of the Republican Party
Is This the Beginning of the End of the Internet?
No Independent Legislatures
Why The Libertarian Party Is Collapsing
Deleting The Right To Recording The Police
Republican Ideas on Economics As Bad As On Abortion
Republicans Are Telling Us What They Want To Do -- Believe Them!

 Adrian Vermeule's new “Common Good Constitutionalism” 
Fortress of Logic
America Is A Bright Spot In A World Going Dark
The Left Was Lost In The 90's -- But Found Again
Growth of White Christian Nationalism

White Christian Nationalism Isn't Going Away
How Evangelicals Abandoned Christianity for Conservatism
Puritans' Theological Roots of Free Love
America, Church, and Family Are Divided -- Is There Hope?
The RIGHT Not to be Pregnant
Open Letter From Idaho Faith Leaders on Abortion Ban
Meaning of Montana's Failed Abortion Referendum
Pro-Life: America's Most Patently Absurd Misnomer
SCOTUS' Draft Opinion, Annotated
Justice Alito's "Leaked" Draft of  his Abortion Opinion to Repeal Roe v. Wade
Alito - 21st Century Taney
SCOTUS Sheilds Spouses From Conflict Of Interest Disclosures
SCOTUS' Nightmare Scenario For 2024 Elections
SCOTUS' Constitutional Limits and Boundaries
How Far Will The Supreme Court Go in Dismantling Justice Kennedy's Legacy?
18 Ways SCOTUS' Roe Decision Changed America
John Roberts' Long Game

Southern Baptist Convention's Deal With The Devil
Republicans Are Ready To Declare The U.S. a "Christian" Nation
Where the "Hatred" comes from
The Unraveling of the Republican Party
What's the Best Way to Fight Poverty -- Ultra-Poor Graduation? 
Michigan Democrat Goes On Offense
How Orwell Diagnosed Democrats' Culture War Problems Decades Ago
Democrats Find a Line of Attack on the GOP GvtVsBusiness.jpg
HowDiverse Democracies Can Protect Personal Liberty and Democracy
Making Friends With Our Community Churches
We're In The Fourth Turning
The "Four Americas"
The Great Affordability Crisis
The Four Horsemen of Campaign Communications
Wayne Hoffman and Sen Steven Thayn Discuss Idaho's Education
How Democrats Who Lost in Deep-Red States Might Have Helped Biden
Why Democrats Need to Play in Rural America -- And How To Do It
Idaho Working Family Agenda Proclamation
Idaho Democrats -- The Family Party
Idaho Working Family Agenda Comparator
How To Have A Difficult Conversation
USNotGoingPoor.jpgHow to Turn Idaho Blue
Core Psychological Differences Between Conservatives and Liberals
Why Trump Supporters Don't See Any Corruption In His Actions
The Left And The Right Literally Speak Different Languages
Political 'Rosetta-Stone'
Rural America Shrinks Over Decade For First Time
Online Rural News OutletPeter Diamandis' 

"Creed of the Passionate and Persistent Mind"

Future-Proofing The Presidency
Artificial Intelligence and Disruptive Progress
Towards a Post-Christian Future
The GOP's Two Santa Tactic That Con-ed America For 40 Years
The REAL Confederate Monument

The Real Reason for the Electoral College
Idaho's Old Rift Within The GOP
Taking Back Idaho From Its Fringe Politics
What Nation Do You Really Live In?
21st Century -- End Game of Reagan Revolution"


Branding Democrats
"Disruptive Thinking" T.D. Jakes & Dr. Phil
Edward Bernays, The Manipulation of the American Mind
How To Add "Working Genius" To Your Team
Dirt Road Revival
The Fourth Turning
Democrat Wins In Red Rural District - What We Can Learn
Harvest The Vote -- How Democrats Can Win In Rural America
Democrat Mary Peltola Wins Alaska House Race -- What We Can Learn
The Gospel of Self -- How Jesus Joined  the GOP
Terry Heaton's Modern Eras (Extract)
Slouching Towards Utopia - An Economic History Of The 20th Century
The Big Myth - How American Business Taught Us To Loath Govt. & Love The Market
Poverty By America - Clear Guide To Eliminate Poverty
Caste - The Origins Of Our Discontents
American Psychosis - Sobering Look At The Ideological Destruction Of A Once Principaled Party
Democracy In Chains
Laboratories of Autocracy
Servants of the Damned
The Storm Is Here
Progress and Poverty
Unregulated Capitalism Makes You Poor, Misérable, -- and Short 
Dotcom Secrets

The Person in the Arena

  -- T.R. Roosevelt"It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes up short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but he who does actually strive to do deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at best knows, in the end, the triumph of high achievement, and who is at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid sods who neither know victory nor defeat."

Copyright © 2017 Bonneville County Democrats -- All Rights Reserved by Bonneville County Democrats -- Paid Bonneville County Democratic Party Treasurer